1. Target

This code of conduct defines the requirements demanded by Tempel Group from all our suppliers and clients, and those applied internally with our employees. In relation to the behaviour and measures adopted by these interest groups in the development of their economic activities and others that are generated by the direct relationship they have with our organisation. With the purpose of complying with the laws in force and promoting ethical and suitable behaviour.


  1. Provisions and areas of application
  • Human rights

We respect the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and encourage our stakeholders to do the same.

In our labor and hiring practices, we reject any type of discrimination based on race, sex, language, religion, political opinion, slavery or forced labor, and child exploitation. We respect the right to rest and enjoyment of time through the establishment of working days, flexible schedules and paid vacation periods.

  • Labour standards

As an organisation we translate human rights compliance into concrete organisational practices and base our actions on the following corporate values:

  • Work-life balance:

Flexible working hours allow our employees to adapt their start and end times to suit them.

  • Professionalisation:

We promote the education and training of our employees and facilitate spaces for innovation, communication and teamwork.

We also seek to continuously improve the working conditions of our workers, providing safe and adequate facilities for the development of our activities, offering training courses on risk prevention, emergency care and providing the appropriate protective elements.

In this section, we reiterate our rejection of any kind of discrimination and declare our compliance with the Labour and Social Security Code and Occupational Risk Prevention, thus respecting the provisions set out in the applicable legislation in the field of employment.


  1. Donations and charity

As part of our commitment to society, we undertake various activities with charitable organisations. We do this on a voluntary basis and without any expectation of compensation, promoting causes that we consider important. These activities are always aligned with our corporate values and aim to achieve the following objectives:

  • To have a positive impact on society and raise awareness among our employees and stakeholders. So that they are also motivated to participate and generate similar initiatives on their own.
  • To ensure that Tempel is not only recognised in the sector for its commercial activity, but is also perceived as a company with a positive impact and social conscience.

Our donations comply with current regulations and are undertaken with altruism and avoiding any conflict of interest.


  1. Environmental protection

We are committed to implementing measures that promote the preservation of the environment. Among the measures adopted to this end are:

  • Procure with our suppliers and supply our customers with products and technologies that comply with current legislation on environmental care and protection.
  • To act in accordance with the laws and standards of environmental protection and care applicable to our products and type of economic activity.
  • To propose to our customers products with more efficient technologies, which allow a better use and savings of resources.
  • Promote the appropriate management of waste generated by our activity through agreements with management, disposal and recycling entities.


  1. Anti-corruption

We believe that the fight against corruption must be one of the purposes of our organisation and one of the ways of contributing to the improvement of society. For this reason, and as an internal action, we have transferred this premise to one of our corporate values.

  • TransparencyWe conduct our activities with honesty and ethics, rejecting and denouncing any criminal or fraudulent activity.

We take other internal actions to combat corruption. For example, we are committed to rejecting and reporting extortion, bribery and other forms of fraud to which we are exposed or become aware of. We also comply with and abide by applicable fraud prevention laws and regulations.

We do not grant benefits to business partners, customers or external third parties. Only when they are exclusively within legally permissible conditions and are in accordance with existing internal policies or conditions agreed in contracts and business agreements.

We also do not tolerate or engage in any form of corruption, money laundering or bribery, including any payment or other form of benefit given to an official for the purpose of influencing decision-making or any violation of the law.

Finally, as part of a collective action, we jointly sign codes of conduct with our business partners (both customers and suppliers). In this way, the members involved in our value chain demonstrate and promote the same behaviour.


  1. Legal Compliance

We comply with the provisions of the legal system and periodically validate regulatory changes that may affect our sector and our business activities.

We continuously update our business processes by applying regulatory changes.


  1. Whistleblower channels:

In the event that our employees or other stakeholders require to report any action that they consider that violates any regulation, is qualified as unethical behavior or violates any of the internal policies or any of the provisions of this code; Tempel has an ethical mailbox on its website from which you can report such activities, under the following considerations:

a) Communications must always comply with the criteria of truthfulness and proportionality, and this mechanism may not be used for purposes other than those that pursue compliance with the law or with the aforementioned internal rules.

b) The identity of the individual who reports an anomalous action through the Ethics Mailbox will be considered confidential information and therefore will not be disclosed under any circumstances to the person reported. Guaranteeing the confidentiality of the identity of the whistleblower.

c) Without prejudice to the foregoing, the data of the persons making the communication may be provided both to the administrative or judicial authorities, to the extent that they are required by such authorities as a result of any proceedings arising from the subject matter of the complaint, and to the persons involved in any subsequent investigation or judicial proceedings instituted as a result of the investigation. Such transfer of data to administrative or judicial authorities shall always be made in full compliance with the legislation on personal data protection.

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